Late Antique Provocation Colloquium – Friday 1 December, 2023 – online

The Rome Transformed team welcome registrations for our upcoming online colloquium which explores the form of key buildings and complexes in the Eastern Caelian, Rome during the Late Antique Period.  Discussion will focus on critiques of our work-in-progress in generating visualisations (‘provocations’) of each case study.  Detailed supporting material will be made available to respondents via Rome Transformed’s RT SCEIDOC system but the rationale and supporting evidence for each provocation will be presented during the colloquium, prior to each discussion.


10.00 CET: Introduction (Ian Haynes)

10.15 CET: The Late Antique transformations of the Lateran Baptistery complex (presented by Thea Ravasi, Elettra Santucci)

10.45 CET: The Chapel of S. Venanzio in the Lateran (presented by Gianluca Foschi)

11.15 CET: Coffee break start

11.30 CET: Reassessing the original design and Late Antique transformation of the Basilica at S. Croce in Gerusalemme (presented by Thea Ravasi)

12.00 CET: Centres of Spectacle and the Sessorian: The Amphitheatrum Castrense and Varian Circus (presented by Francesca Carboni and Donato Colli)

12.30 CET: lunch break start

14.00 CET: Modelling the Patriarchium: Challenges and opportunities (presented by Paolo Liverani, Gianluca Foschi)

14.45 CET: The Porta Asinara and Aurelian Wall revisited (presented by Marianna Franco, Francesca Carboni)

15.00 CET: Closing discussion.

Registration form

To register for the online colloquium, please click on this link and leave your name and email. We will send you a link to Zoom nearer the date. 

Thank you. 

See also:

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